DUHP has more than 25 years of experience with high-pressure cleaning and is a leading supplier to shipyards throughout Europe
DUHP turbocharges the removal of paint and rust – no matter the size of the task.
We are experts in high-pressure cleaning and use machines that are designed for even the toughest tasks. Our equipment uses plain water, which reduces the amount of residual waste compared to traditional grit or sandblasting.
Can we help you?

1,800 m2 per 12 hours
Our total capacity consists of 4 UHP machines from Hammelmann, along with corresponding high-pressure systems and other special equipment
+25 years of experience
We have been working with high-pressure cleaning since 1996, which means we have the experience to solve even large and complex tasks
1.500-3.000 bar
The high-pressure equipment we use has a performance range from 1,500 to 3,000 bar, which is designed to remove paint, rust, and bitumen
Our equipment is easy to transport, which enables us to be ready with staffing and machines within 48 hours across all of Europe.
Dockmate accelerates the cleaning process and reduces the docking time of ships
Dockmate is a heavy-duty UHP machine that can really cover some square meters. With a working height of 27 meters, we use Dockmate for bigger cleaning projects, such as cruise ships, oil tankers and more.
Read more about Dockmate

Dockboy can work on all surfaces and can clean the areas that are otherwise difficult to reach
Dockboy is more versatile and can handle both large and small projects. The robot is highly efficient when operating, which is why DUHP has three Dockboys with working heights of 6, 9, and 12.4 meters respectively.
Read more about Dockboy
Do you have a project in mind? Contact our team
For other inquiries, you’re welcome to contact our head office
Head Office
Phone: +45 96 90 90 01
E-mail: info@duhp.dk
DUHP ApS / VAT: 29803064
Rydhaugen 9, 8620 Kjellerup